Wednesday, April 10, 2013

If I Should Die Before I Wake... (Part 2)

     Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I want my family to know these things.......
     Reese, son, you just don't realize how much like your dad you really are. That is both a good and bad thing for both of us. I have always felt a special bond with you because we look alike, sound alike, act alike and certainly think alike. The moment they put you in my arms in the hospital you stole my heart and you've never given it back. When I look at you all I can see is how proud I am of you. Although you have made some of the same mistakes as me, I am constantly humbled by how much better of a person you are than me. I treasure the times we have spent together singing at the top of our lungs. I am amazed at how naturally talented you are in so many areas and how quickly you pick up new things. I have seen your heart and I know how tender it is. I love that you are always trying to be a better person and that if you fail it does not discourage you from trying again. In my mind I can still hear your voice when you were three years old and preaching or telling me a joke or reciting the Greek alphabet. I remember thinking, "How did I make something so smart and so amazing." I have told you a thousand times that I love you, but I know that you will never truly understand how much until you hold your own child. I have always been proud that you would hug me, kiss my cheek and say you love me in public, even in front of your friends. I'm glad to know that you aren't ashamed to show the people you love affection and not worry what anyone else thinks. I know you will do great things in your life. I don't mean rich or famous necessarily, but things that really matter. You will impact peoples lives in a positive way. You will make them glad to have known you. You will be a great father who is adored by his children. Know this, it has hurt to see you fail or make mistakes, but I have never, not even for a moment, been ashamed of you or anything you've done. I've only grieved at seeing your hurting. I am proud of you. I always have been. Thank you for making me a father because it is truly the greatest joy I've known in my life. I regret that I did not do as good of a job as I should have at raising you up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I am sorry for my failures as a father. When you were born I was so young and knew nothing of raising a child and you paid the price for that. The only thing I want in life is to know that you hold faith in Christ in your own heart and that you are committed to serving Him. Be your own man, do what brings your joy, but do all in the name of the Lord. I can handle you growing up and moving out as long as I know in the end we will all be reunited again. I love you.

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