Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lessons Learned In The Banana Republics

Ok, so I'm still a loooooong way from being acclimated to life in Central America, but it doesn't take long to learn some valuable lessons in Costa Rica. Here are some of the things I've learned already. 1. Drinkable water better be your numero uno priority or you will regret it. 2. My Spanish is so much worse than I ever could have imagined. Humbled quickly. 3. If you get on the roads in any capacity (walking, bikes, cars, buses), you better be ready to meet Jesus because there is a good chance you will....soon. 4. People are so, so, so much more willing to talk about the Bible with you (no one has said no to a study yet; some have said later, but none have said no). Reread that last sentence: Not. One. Single. House. Has. Said. No. To. A. Bible. Study! (We have been on one 200 yard long street for two days and have yet to get all the way down the street). 5. Life here is not as bad/scary/strange/hard as you probably imagine (they are actually quite accomadative to Americans who don't speak Spanish and haven't exchanged their money). 6. Speaking of the money, this stuff is crazy, it's like Monoply money and Chuck E. Cheese tokens and I still have no idea how much I am paying for things (I just smile pathetically and hand them a wad of bills and hope they don't take advantage of me; one guy actually called me back after realizing he didn't give me enough change). 7. It's beautiful here: tropical flowers, coconut trees, and four active volcanoes towering above the city (yes, you just read the words active and volcano). 8. This team is so much fun to be around; I am loving the teens who are here with us and the adults I've had time to spend with are wonderful. 9. My translator (Caesar Tabora) is as good as they come, the guy is go, go, go all the time, let's knock another door, let's have another study and when he preaches it is with so much zeal and he uses his whole body. 10. Kids are kids, no matter where they are and what the language and if you can't look into the eyes of a child and see God you are just blind (check out the video of us playing with the kids and see what I'm talking about). 11. I am having the time of my life and it is everything I hoped it would be. My only regret is that I wanted so long in my life to start doing this.

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