Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I’m Much Too Young To Be This Old

Day 161 (Written Monday May 21) ~ I have two sons it high school! It suddenly dawned on me today for the first time. Someone mentioned the fact that school was out and I saw all of the pictures on Facebook of kids graduation from kindergarten, eight grade and high school and it clicked with me. Since this school year is over, Po is no longer an eighth grader, he’s a freshman in high school! That means the oldest is now officially a senior! It was the summer between my junior and senior year that I met his mother. It’s almost incomprehensible that he is at the stage in life where the rest of his life can be shaped in one day. Two weeks before my senior year began I took an unscheduled day off work, met Her and 19 years later I still haven’t left her side. He is at that point in life. I’m not saying I want him to follow the same path as his mom and dad (marrying at 19 isn’t always the safest, wisest decision, most don’t survive twenty years like we have), but he is at the point where it can happen. He is on the cusp of being an adult, of growing up. Po can no longer be considered a little kid. He’s in high school. He will get his learners permit in four months. He will get his drivers license in just over a year. Where did the years go. It seems that every time I look at them now I can only see the little boys I fell in love with instantly. The one with the hardest southern accent you’ve ever heard (that never stopped) and the other who struggled with a stutter and wouldn’t speak to anyone that wasn’t family. The ones who used to come into my bedroom every morning to see what I was wearing so they could dress the same. The ones who wanted to go anywhere and do anything that their daddy was doing. The country accent is toned down quite a bit, and the stutter is gone leaving us a son who never meets a stranger. They would rather be beaten than dress like me nowadays. But I thank God that they still want to go anywhere and do anything their daddy is doing, and that is one thing about them I pray will never change.

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