
Day 128 (Written Wednesday April 18) ~ For some people Spring officially begins on the first day of baseball season. For some it is when the buttercups poke their heads out of the ground. For some it begins when the times changes. Some wait until the actual first day of Spring according to the calendar, but for me Spring doesn’t really begin until I smell the honeysuckle blooms for the first time. In my mind there is nothing more Spring in the South than honeysuckle. I love when I can drive down the road in the evening with my windows rolled down and just breathe in that sweet aroma. When I was a kid we loved to go into the woods behind my grandmothers house in search of honeysuckle vines. Once we found one, we would all begin plucking blooms and putting them in our mouths just to get a taste of that little drop of sweet nectar. These days I very rarely taste a honeysuckle bloom, but I eagerly seek out honeysuckle vines just so I can make a point to drive by them when I’m in the area. My wife loves to buy those plug in air fresheners and I could probably get excited about them too if they came in honeysuckle scent.
