Monday, March 12, 2012

The Next Greatest Generation?

36, Day 80 (Written Thursday March 1) ~ Several years ago Tom Brokaw wrote a book titled, and helped coin the phrase, “The Greatest Generation.” He was speaking of the Depression Era enduring, WWII winning, greatest country in the world building generation. I can’t argue with him about their appropriately given title, but I have a great deal of hope about what has the potential to become the Next Greatest Generation. Sadly its not mine (Generation X), nor the next (Generation Y), but the most recent, the Digital Generation. I know that many older generations view these as hopeless because “they always have their face in a screen”, I beg to differ.
It has been my experience in being around this generation that unlike previous generations they haven’t rebelled against their parents generations (what could they rebel from anyway? The rebellion against rebellion would be conformity), but have embraced, learned from and added to what has come before them. They are much more free from prejudice and racism than their predecessors. They are much more concerned about changing social injustices through action and not just protest. They are globally aware and globally connected. They don’t dress as “reverently” in worship as previous generations (what book, chapter and verse says suits and dresses are reverent and anything else is irreverent?), but they are more zealous to demonstrate their faith outside of the building than previous generations. I take great comfort in knowing that in Biblical history, after several generations arise that know not the Lord, there usually arises one that restores things to the way they need to be. Just this year alone I have met and had lengthy conversations with several members of this generation (Brad, Brandon and Jared are three that stood out the most) that have inspired me personally, and given me great hope that the best, or should I say, greatest is yet to come.

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