Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action

36, Day 102 (Written Friday March 23) ~ Apparently I look like a weather man, at least according to my good friend's ten year old son. I'm not sure if that is a compliment, a criticism, or just a fact. Regardless of which, today was a great day, which capped off a great week. I got to spend most of Monday and several hours today at the East Hill Church of Christ with Robert Hatfield and Paul Sain. If you don't know, the two of them film, edit and produce about 5 television programs personally. Great preachers like David Sain, James Watkins, Cliff Goodwin, Tom Holland, and Paul and Robert themselves, record their television programs at studios located at Sain Publications. The quality of these shows is fantastic, professional.
Because of the previously mentioned facts, when our Latin American Missions staff decided we needed a video to introduce and explain our campaigns, Paul and Robert were the first two I contacted. Despite their very busy schedules, they were more than willing to help me with the taping of a campaign description video. We shot all the footage and recorded the narration on Monday and then got together today to finish the editing and production. By lunch we had a video that was ready to send out to the world. Many, many thanks go out to the East Hill guys for invaluable input, assistance, time, talent and vision. They took an idea that was in my head and turned it into an amazing video detailing the work. Thank you both again. I want to ask you to take 5 minutes to watch the video and let me know what you think. There is a link below. If this missionary thing doesn't work out, at least I may have a future in the tv weatherman field.


  1. Great Job. I think it effectively lets people know they can be involved no matter what their skill set. I like it. Tony C.

    1. Thanks T. That is exactly what we were going for.
