Thursday, March 22, 2012

Junk Food

Day 99 (Written Tuesday March 20) ~I have never eaten a Twinkie. Never. Ever. Not once. Not even a bite. There is no good reason for this. I am not opposed to Twinkies. I don’t have a bad Twinkie experience story to tell (although I do have a hilarious giant Twinkie story to tell you someday). The Twinkie is probably the national junkfood icon of America, but I’ve never tried one. I have, however, tried a number of others that I struggle with as a borderline addiction (which I’ve gotten under control and am 11 pounds lighter to prove it). I really don’t like traditional candy (Nerds, Laffy Taffy, Sweet Tarts, etc), but I am a junkie when it comes to chocolate. Here are some of my greatest weaknesses.
Little Debbies: Fudge Rounds/Swiss Cake Rolls (tied for favorite), Nutty Buddy, Zebra Cakes, Cosmic Brownie, Star Crunch, Oatmeal Cream Pie. Anything else I won’t touch. I have to really be careful with Fudge Rounds because I will literally eat an entire box in one day, which is not a good thing, at least since I’m not 15 anymore with a metabolism that can support such binges. I’ve loved Fudge Rounds since I was a little kid and my Memaw would bring them along with a bottle coke when she picked me up from kindergarten. I’ve been hooked ever since.
My sweet tooth also has a few oddities in its history as well. I have been known to eat spoonfuls of Nestle Quick powder, handfuls of chocolate chips, chased with peanut butter, Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough, and perhaps my rock bottom moment....a can of Duncan Hines chocolate frosting. I feel so ashamed. But admitting the problem is the first step to recovery, right?
In the more traditional range is chocolate milkshakes, chocolate milk, Shoney’s hot fudge cake, Wal Mart brand cookies and cream ice cream and basically any cheesecake anywhere, but especially the sampler cheesecake from Wal Mart and the Pecan/Cinnamon/Graham crust cheesecake with chocolate sauce and real whip cream from Square Market in Columbia. What are your sweet weaknesses? I’ll be snacking on this Twinkie while I await your replies.


  1. I decided to start putting some comments since i felt guilty reading them all but not at least adding my thoughts. My absolute favorite dessert is Red velvet cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. I also found a recipe online which I tried that tasted very much like it. Was delicious. We have started trying to make more homemade desserts now that we got a kithenaid stand mixer. It has been great. Brownie peanut butter cheesecake, pepermint cheesecake, etc. Let me know something you want when you visit and I'll try to whip it up. OH, and heath candy bars if i need a quick fix. :) Tony C

    1. My all time favorite from your house is those peanut butter brownies we used to eat at your apartment in Memphis. Those were so amazing.

  2. Ummm....I was right there with ya until you got to the spoonfuls of Nestle Quick. Ew. But pretty much everything else you mentioned :)
