Friday, January 6, 2012

36, Day 25 (Written Wednesday January 4) ~ Getting Over The Hump

I mentioned on Monday ( that I would be using Mondays and Wednesdays as a way of scratching my preacher/Bible class teacher itch (Monday Morning Manna and Getting Over The Hump), so here we go.
Trust and obey. Those two words begin the song with that title. We frequently sing it, but how often do we do it? We acknowledge that Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10), and know that He leads us in the path of righteousness (Psalm 23), but too often we are stubborn as a billy goat rather than compliant like sheep. There have been so many times in my life when I knew where the Lord wanted to lead me, but I resisted. It wasn't where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. I liked where I was just fine, I was comfortable and content and where He wanted me to be was going to be a challenge, difficult and unknown. Sometimes I came but I would drag my feet and walk as slowly as possible. Other times He would have to use the rod and staff to drive or drag me where He wanted me. Can you relate?
The Lord is in control, He knows what He's doing and He knows what is best for me, all I need to do is learn to trust and obey. When I go along willingly, I not only end up where I need to be, but I get to enjoy the ride along the way. When I "do it the hard way" I end up where I need to be and He wants me to be, but I struggle, worry and dread the journey. I am exactly where my Shepherd wants me to be and for once I've been able to take in the scenery. Hope this helps you to get over the hump.

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