Sunday, December 18, 2011

36, Day 7

Leading the I.O.U. class for the little guys before evening worship is one of my favorite jobs as a local preacher. And one of my favorite parts of that job is learning new Scripture songs to teach them. We always used “Hannah’s Hundred”, a CD by the Colley family that puts Bible verses into a song for ease of learning. One of my all time favorites from that CD is Colossians 3:15. “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body and be ye thankful.” While a student at the Memphis School of Preaching I had to memorize literally hundreds and hundreds of Bible verses, but this was not one of them. I know I had read that verse many times before, but for some reason, as a song, it really resonated with me, and is now one of my favorite verses.

The peace of God is directly linked to thankfulness and one of the things I am most thankful for is my mother. I know that most everyone thinks their mother is amazing, and I am no exception, but I also know that it is true that my mother really is an amazing person. I am fully aware that most everything about me that anyone likes is simply a reflection of “how my momma raised me.” Without a doubt she is one of the most unselfish, fun and giving people I know. She always seems to strike the perfect balance between being concerned and helpful without being pushy and intrusive. She has always amazed me with her ability to know when to just bite your tongue and listen. Additionally, she is so strong. She had been hit with some tough things in life, but they haven’t made her bitter or changed who she is. I know she hurts like everyone else, but she rarely lets it show. True strength doesn’t come from just enduring hardship, but in enduring without being changed for the worse. She is also incredibly giving. I was humbled by the level of commitment and care she provided to her mother in the final years of her life, likely extending her life by several years. This is also the same woman who at any moment if I or my sons or my father asked her to make chocolate oatmeal cookies, spaghetti, pancakes or breakfast casserole or anything else, she would almost certainly do it. Literally as I am writing this she is texting me and asking me to choose from a long list of my favorite foods for her to cook for me on Sunday. Looking back I realize how much fun my mother was. We did so many things together when I was growing up. She went with me to concerts that she cared nothing for, but acted like she loved the music I loved. Funny thing is, she still does the same thing with my sons today.

I am ashamed to say that I haven’t cherished her more as an adult. Sometimes things are so close to your face that you can’t see how beautiful they really are. They are more fully appreciated from a distance. I am sure that will be the case with my mother. Once I am eight hours away her true beauty and value will become even more evident. My life has never been one of turmoil and trouble, and even in the moments when they have come into my life, I have always had a deep and abiding sense of peace and calm. That peace and calm was provided to me because of, and through my mother and for that I am thankful.

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