Thursday, December 29, 2011

36, Day 11 (Written Wednesday December 21) ~ First Love

Most people can remember their first love or first crush with a mixture of nostalgia and humor. For me it was Devina Isbell. I was in first grade and she was in the fourth grade. She was never my girlfriend, we never held hands, sat by one another in the lunchroom or even spoke. She rode my school bus and to the best of my knowledge, never even knew I existed.

I thought about that first puppy love tonight when I witnessed a young girl who obviously had her first love. I think she’s about eleven or twelve and the object of her affection is over six feet tall, with salt and pepper hair and is nearly forty years old. He’s also her dad. After Bible class tonight I was talking with her father and couldn’t help but be distracted by the fact that she had her arm around his arm, holding his hand and leaning against his shoulder. It was at the same time the most innocent and sweetest things I’ve seen in a long time. Her first love isn’t going to be some goofy and awkward pre-teen boy, but her daddy. It’s not the kind of love that a woman has for her husband, but this love is the kind that will lay the foundation for her to have a successful married love one day.

A couple of days before this I saw on Facebook where one of my best friends had taken his teenage daughter out for a daddy and daughter date. The smile on her face in the pictures told me everything I needed to know about what the date meant to her. I can imagine that from her father she will learn the ingredients and blueprint for a healthy relationship with a boy. It starts with conversation, which turns to friendship, then adds respect, which leads to trust, which blossoms into love, which culminates in marriage that is consummated on the wedding night. If she had to learn these things on her own, statistics show that she would get it all mixed up and backwards. She would engaged in sex, believing this was necessary to get the boy to love her and respect her, which he never will because she has given away her most precious possession. Thankfully, these girls I’ve mentioned will likely never make this mistake. They have learned from their daddies how a girl deserves to be, and should expect to be treated. If a boy doesn’t live up to that standard then she won’t give him the time of day. My advice to all the boys out there who will one day try to win her heart: you will have to learn to love her and treat her like her daddy does. Good luck to you because I know both of these guys and you have some pretty big shoes to fill.

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